Bail Jumper
this modified T-65B X-Wing was owned by a being who claimed to be searching for the Onyx Star, some fifty years after it was released for production. In place of the astromech droid, the cyborg who owned the ship had installed a seconary laser cannon turret, to augment the X-Wing's four laser cannons. His implanted computer systems were then used to assist in astrogation. The Bail Jumper intercepted Jaina Solo and her Z-95 headhunter shortly after she was given the craft as a graduation present from her parents, as she was leaving Yavin 4 for Crystal Reef on Calamari. The cyborg who flew the Bail Jumper accused Jaina of stealing the prototype Onyx Star and trying to turn it over to the Subpro Corporation. Jaina tried desparately to learn why the cyborg was living in the past, trying to stop an event which had occurred fifty years earlier. When the cyborg pressed the attack, Jaina was forced to destroy the Bail Jumper in order to escape. The cyborg managed to survive, and Jaina arranged for him to be rescued.