Hansor, Madrix
this man was the leader of Hansor's Hooligans, a team of gladiator walker fighters active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Madrix himself had a long-standing grudge against Demelza Mintori and Demelza's Destructors. Both men were members of the Imperial Army. During a battle in the Dalcrettu System, Mintori was unable (or refused) to help Hansor's platoon, which had been pinned down by rebels. Although they eventually managed to escape, Hansor and his squadmates hated Mintori's team from that point onward. Hansor himself vowed revenge against Mintori, and took it out on the gladiator walker fields. After a series of draws were fought, Hansor and his team took up residence in Sedratis City, the home base of Demelza's Destructors, and dared Mintori's team to answer the challenge.