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this Veknoid Jedi Master was known for his love of food. He was one of the many Jedi who decided not to work on specific missions for the Jedi Council, but instead traveled the galaxy at the will and whim of the Force. Because of this, Master Zao ended up as the head chef for the Aqualish crimelord Gorto Zaga, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. In this way, Master Zao was on the planet Kiffex when Quinlan Vos and Master Tholme arrived on the planet to investigate the re-awakening of Volfe Karkko. It was Master Zao who convinced Quinlan Vos to let the Force be his guide, and simply move about the galaxy at the command of the Force. During the Clone Wars, Master Zao moved about the Outer Rim, and was believed to have been killed until Master Tholme found him on Saleucami. As the struggle against the Separatists ground on, Master Zao was one of many Jedi who openly questioned the need to continue the war. The Jedi Order, he explained to Tholme, was charged with serving the Force. Zao agreed that the Jedi Order was sworn to uphold the principles of the Old Republic, but feared that the Republic itself no longer held to the old ideals. He continued to use food analogies to describe his position, often questioning Tholme about the state of the galaxy by serving him food and asking about the taste. Depending on Tholme's response, Master Zao would then ask him if the food had changed, or the taster. In this way, Zao questioned whether or not the Jedi Order, the Republic, and the galaxy were changing in fundamental ways.
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