New Apsolon
originally known simply as Apsolon, this planet decided to join the galactic community, and the Old Republic, some 15 years before the Battle of Naboo. The people of Apsolon had to choose a leader who represented the entire planet, and the Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl were dispatched to assist in ensuring a fair election. The planet was controlled by the Civilized Authority, and policed by the Absolutes. The two primary social factions, the Civilized and the Workers, were continually at odds with each other. After the industrial sabotage of the Workers forced the Civilized to recognize their plight, the two groups agreed to form a single form of government which was known as the Unified Legislature. Each being who inhabited Apsolon was given a vote in the election, giving the Workers the largest portion of the total vote. The natives of the planet elected Ewane to be their leader, and decided to rename the world New Apsolon in remembrance of their new freedom. The planet was known for its two primary exports: high technology and beautiful grey stone. The planet had three natural satellites, and it orbited a pair of small stars.