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this Mon Calamari was a noted smuggler whose band constructed an outpost on the planet Hoth during the early years of the New Order. The outpost was nearly destroyed when Han Solo and Luke Skywalker traveled to Hoth to see if the planet would serve as a new location for the Alliance's base of operations, in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. Solo had been to Hoth once before, and had considered Salmakk as an equal. However, the bounty on Solo's head was too great for Salmakk to ignore, and he opened fire on them. In an effort to escape, Luke and Han mistakenly flew into the smugglers' base. Trying to survive, Luke used his lightsaber to set off a chain reaction of icy stalactites falling from the ceiling, burying the smugglers and their ships. Salmakk and his smugglers gave up trying to capture Solo, and decided to leave Hoth rather than rebuilding their former base. When the Alliance eventually decided that Hoth would serve as their new base, Salmakk's former outpost became the Alliance's Echo Base. Salmakk disappeared for several years, but never left the Anoat Sector and eventually reappeared in a partnership with the Mugarri pirate, Clabbrun the Younger. Unknown to the authorities, the pair was actually under the employment of Figg Excavations. Salmakk and Clabburn were eventually apprehended and questioned about their activities, but were later released in exchange for information on their contacts within FiggEx.
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