Chun, Kad
this young man was the older brother of Bruck Chun, and was the only son of Vox Chun after Bruck was accidentally killed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. After Bruck's death, Kad stood by his father's side during the inquest into the events of Bruck's demise. He confronted Obi-Wan Kenobi, railing at the young Padawan and refusing to forgive him for Bruck's death. Upon returning to Telos, Kad began to work toward rebuilding his homeworld, but was unable to bring about any real change. Instead, he changed his name to Uni and set out with a group of followers aboard the BioCruiser to start a new life. Later, when it was revealed that Vox Chun was behind the planned sabotage of the ship as part of the Broken Circle plan, Kad was forced to face his father's treachery head-on. When Vox was fatally shot by Kern, Kad put his anger aside and forgave his father before he died. He then set the record straight with Obi-Wan, and worked to repair their relationship.