Lanox, Sergus
this man was a Captain in the Imperial Navy, and was in command of the Star Destroyer Imperial Hazard during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Although loyal to the Emperor, Captain Lanox was more proud of the fact that he commanded a Star Destroyer. His command was respected by his subordinates, and his natural leadership abilities earned him the recognition of his peers. When he captured Sayer Mon Neela, Lanox found himself emotionally attracted to her. When she and her aide, Raan Stasheff, tried to escape, Lanox found that he liked her too much to simply kill her outright. When the Starcrossed arrived to rescue her, Captain Lanox actually assisted her to an escape route. He kissed her full on the mouth, as payment for his help, before shoving her into the escape hatch. Captain Lanox was later rewarded with the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor, by Grand Admiral Takel himself, for his heroism in the face the Alliance's defense of Horob.