this hulking Nikto was Havac's partner, during the Stark Hyperspace Conflict and the years following it. Cindar followed Havac to Asmeru, and stayed with him when he joined the Nebula Front group during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Cindar distrusted Arwen Cohl, especially in the wake of the Revenue's destruction and Cohl's apparent death at Dorvalla. When the Jedi mission to Asmeru was broken up by Nebula Front militants, it was Cindar and his Bith counterpart who led the Ossan slaves to rise up against the Nebula Front soldiers, thereby freeing the Jedi and directing them to Karfeddion. Once on Karfeddion, though, Cindar tried to capture Qui-Gin Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the fight, however, one of Cindar's blaster shots ricocheted back at himself, burning through the small of his back and severing the spine. Cindar died of his injuries.