Unduli, Luminara
this Mirialan woman was one of the many Jedi Knights who were active in the years leading up to the Jedi Purge of Emperor Palpatine. A brown-skinned woman with luminous blue eyes and facial tattoos, Luminara was one of the Jedi Council's most trusted advisors. She also served the Old Republic, both as an advisor and as a Jedi. Luminara's tattooes were unusual, with a pattern of diamonds covering her chin and small patterns atop each knuckle. In the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, Luminara provided assistance to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, during their investigation of Arwen Cohl. Some ten years later, while in charge of the training of Barriss Offee, Luminara accompanied Obi-Wan and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, to the planet Ansion, where they were able to form a alliance between the city dwellers and the nomads of the plains, averting the secession of Ansion from the Republic. Their efforts nearly went for naught, as the Jedi were almost defeated at the Battle of Geonosis. Both Unduli and her Padawan fought bravely, but were badly outnumbered by the droid armies of the Separatists. Only the arrival of Master Yoda and the clone troopers of the Army of the Republic saved the day. As the Clone Wars raged across the galaxy, Master Unduli became known as one of the Jedi Order's most gifted negotiators. She traveled to many different worlds - sometimes, in the company of Governor Willhuf Tarkin, who represented the Old Republic - to negotiate with the Separatist leaders. In the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant, Master Unduli was dispatched to Kashyyyk with the task force led by Jedi Master Yoda. However, when Darth Sidious revealed his true nature and killed Mace Windu, he sent out communications to the various clone commanders to execute Order 66. Upon hearing the order, the clone troops opened fire on Unduli, utterly destroying the defenseless Jedi Master.