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Ros Lai

this deformed woman, known as the Rancor, was the daughter of matriarch Zalem of the Witches of Dathomir. Zalem abandoned Ros Lai and forced her to work with the male slaves, as punishment for her ugliness. The other Witches often played practical jokes on her, and Zalem ignored them. When Quinlan Vos arrived on Dathomir, Ros Lai tried to help him. She was later shot and wounded by Yongti, during a raid of the slave pens. Ros Lai survived, but Zalem tried to kill her again, Zalem gave her a drink, after Vonya found her hiding after the raid. The drink contained a live artery worm, which Zalem hoped would consume Ros Lai's blood vessels. Despite these efforts, Ros Lai survived, and later helped Quinlan free the Kwi. Ros Lai also revealed that her deformities were actually the daughter of a Jedi Knight whose wife murdered him after using his Force talents for her own schemes. She later revealed to Quin that she was quite strong with the Dark Side of the Force, and had been maintaining her guise as "The Rancor" in order to gain the power of the Star Chamber for herself. She managed to escape from Vonya and return to her mother's side, claiming to deliver Quin as a way of "making up." In reality, Ros Lai used the ruse to get close enough to Zalem to kill her mother and avenge the death of her father. She then tried to kill Quin, but he managed to capture her and bring her to Coruscant to receive justice. Quin hoped to return her to the Light Side of the Force.
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