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this blue-green planet, the primary world in the Karthakk System, was controlled by the Trade Federation during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It was in orbit around this planet that Vana Sage managed to capture the Feeroin smuggler Nym, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. Maramere was covered almost entirely with water, with rocky spires and outcroppings forming the only land. The native species, the Mere, built wondrous cities in and among the rocks, but also lived underwater. Six years after the Battle of Naboo, a group of freedom fighters led by Sol Sixxa began to fight the oppression of the Trade Federation. With the help of the Feeorin Nym, the Meres were able to overthrow the Trade Federation and reclaim control of the planet. It thrived for many years as a resort world, until the Clone Wars put a stop to much of the galaxy's vacation travel.
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