this Trade Federation LH-3210 freighter was dispatched to Dorvalla, shortly before the Battle of Naboo, to acquire a full cargo of lommite. It was under the command of Daultay Dofine at the time, and was crewed by a variety of different species. After taking on a full cargo of lommite, the Revenue was attacked by the Nebula Front pirates. Captain Arwen Cohl and his crew managed to acquire the cache of aurodium ingots before escaping the ship, which they had rigged to explode. Dofine and his crew managed to escape before the Revenue tore itself apart, and they were later rescued by the Acquisitor. It was later revealed that the destruction of the Revenue was one of the opening moves in Darth Sidious' plans to maneuver the Republic to side with the Federation, especially when it came to arming their freighters with battle droids, droid starfighters and additional weaponry.