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Chistor, Barnab

a native of Alderaan, Barnar Chistor yearned to be an explorer when he was very young. After being denied acceptance into a presitigious university on Alderaan, Chistor opted to attend a lesser school and discovered a flair for politics. However, his dreams of becoming an explorer were nearly destroyed because of his poor technical and scientific grades. He saw a chance to make a name for himself shortly after the Republic Bureau of Exploration and Colonization opened up the Cularin System for new oppportunities. He moved himself to Cularin and began to insinuate himself into the political structure in the city of Gadrin. He tried to lead an expedition to the moon of Uffel, only to discover that exploration was hard work. He decided that politics suited him much better, and was eventually elected governor of Gadrin shortly before the Battle of Naboo. He genuinely liked what he did, and tried to keep the populace uninterested in politics in order to secure his own position. He was taken aback by a request from the Five Masters of the Wookiee Liberation Front to build a school on Cularin, and spent a good deal of time researching them as construction continued. When the Five Masters arrived to take over the building, Chistor was again surprised when the Masters took him as their first student. He was cut off from all aspects of life on Cularin, instead being forced to concentrate on his new studies by his Zabrak Master.
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