this BK-series protocol droid was given to a prominent Core World dictator by Emperor Palpatine. The dictator used BK-4 extensively, but the doid's proximity to confidential information meant that its memory was continually wiped clean. The dictator added some additional programming to BK-4's central system, including the necessary skills for planetary management. When the dictator found out that Palpatine was about to replace him, he fled his planet and sought refuge on Monor II. Agapos the Eighth helped the man escape Imperial notice, and the dictator gave BK-4 to the ruler as a show of his appreciation. BK-4 was passed down to Agapos the Ninth when his father retired, and the droid has served faithfully ever since. BK-4 was Agapos' second-in-command, and was instrumental in the fight against the Empire.