Zlarb learned at an early age that a life of crime was an easier life than legitimate work because he didn't have to put in 70 hours a shift but got paid fairly well. He started working as an enforcer for Ploovo Two-for-One, eventually becoming one of Ploovo's bodyguards. However, he soon saw that Pllovo's lack of ambition meant that the bodyguard work was a dead end. He broke off with Ploovo, and went into the slave trade. As a human, Zlarb found it easy to work as a slaver, but he was eventually caught by Magg, who was working for the Corporate Sector Authority. Zlarb figured his career - and probably his life - was over, but Magg proposed a partnership. At first, Zlarb had no reason to trust Magg, but their relationship grew. Magg's inside information, coupled with the underhanded slave dealings the Authority was involved with, meant Zlarb had steady work.Zlabr was also responsible for establishing a relationship with the clans on Ammuud, who supplied permits and ship charters for the vessels sued by the slavers. Thus, when the Mor Glayyd threatened to expose the slavery ring, Zlarb was forced to poison him in order to keep him silent. Zlarb was later hired by Magg and the Authority to obtain a number of Lurian individuals for work on illegal genetic experiments. Zlarb, in turn, hired Han Solo to meet him on Lur and transport the captured geneticists to their final destination. Zlarb was supposed to deliver his Lurian slaves to the planet Bonadan. Han had a rule that he never transported slaves, and the odds were against him until Bollux and Blue Max set off the Millennium Falcon's fire extinguishing systems, temporarily disarming Zlarb and his thugs. This allowed Han and Chewie to subdue the thugs and free the Lurians, who eventually killed Zlarb and returned to their planet. Zlarb was a practitioner of the Malkite poisoning techniques, and was found to be carrying one of their tool kits after his death. This allowed Solo and Fiolla to implicate him in the murder of the Mor Glayyd, adding further evidence to the mounting collection against the slavers.