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this series of Corellian light stock freighter built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Originally designed and manufactured some 30 years before the Battle of Yavin, it was a 2-man craft, and can accommodate up to six passengers. The YT-1300 measures 26.7 meters in length, and can hold 100 metric tons of cargo. The YT-1300 is armed with a single laser cannon, but carries to defensive shielding. The main hull is disk-shaped, with two trapezoidal pods extending from the front. The cockpit is offset-mounted on the right side of the disk. The top sublight speed of a YT-1300 is around 65 MGLT. 100-SBD shields protect a 50-RU hull. One of the primary drawbacks of this model transport is the off-center cockpit placement. While the cockpit can be positioned on either the left or right side, this positioning leaves a great deal of the ship out of the pilot's view. While this is common for larger ships, the off-center placement makes it much harder to maneuver in tight spaces for many new pilots. The more skittish of these captains often install five-axis, laser-ranging pods near the front mandibles, in order to provide them realtime information about the parts of the ship they can't see.
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