this was a form of landing craft developed by the Yuuzhan Vong. Formed of vastiv membranes covering a skeleton of yorik coral, these craft were designed to transport forces to the surface of a planet. Most of these were unarmed, and had to be escorted by coralskippers during their descent. Yorik-trema were shaped to have a number of sensitive eye, which were trained to maintain contact with the coralskipper escort during the descent. These craft were equipped with ablative shields formed from living scales, which would be burned off during descent but later regenerated like skin tissue. The ground forces transported within the yorik-trema were discharged to the surface of a planet via modified molleung worms. The average yorik-trema measured 34 meters in length, and was sometimes armed with a pair of volcano cannons and several dovin basals. Note that The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates that the yorik-trema was forty-eight meters in length. This craft required a crew of four to operate, and could transport up to 36 troops and 35 metric tons of cargo.