a humanoid alien race which resembled animated skeletons, the Yevetha originally came from the planet N'zoth. Their facial structure was highly colored, with a white nasal ridge and scarlet cheek and chin ridges surrounding dark black eyes. The Yevetha had six clawed fingers on each hand, and a wicked dewclaw could be extended from their wrists. It was believed that the Yevetha achieved sentience some 50,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. Having evolved in the Koornacht Cluster and never seeing other stars beyond their own, the Yevetha became a very self-important race, considering themselves the masters of their universe. All other races were simply vermin. The Yevetha had a hierarchical society, with the males being dominant. There were castes of males and females, and the higher classes alway dominated the lower. Lower-ranking Yevethan males were required to bear their necks in deferrence to their superiors. Yevetha were also extrememly quick to learn new things, and were particularly adept at assimilating technology. They never eat in mixed company, and detested the smell and feel of other races. They installed specialized bathing stations on their embassy ships, to wash away the scent of other races. The Yevetha had moved beyond N'zoth and either conquered of populated the nearest worlds when the Empire subjugated them and used the Koornacht Cluster as a base of operations for the Black Sword Command. Under the guidance of Nil Spaar, the Yevetha overthrew the Imperials following the Galactic Civil War, and created plans to purge the Koornacht Cluster - and eventually the galaxy - of non-Yevethans. This plan became known as the Great Purge, and was initiated about twelve years after their defeat of the Empire. The New Republic eventually put a halt to the Yevethan aggression, and the Yevetha were forced to retreat to N'zoth. They remained a formidable threat, however, so much so that the Yuuzhan Vong traded a momentary freedom to the Fia in exchange for information on the Yevethan military. The Fia, who had been among the many races plagued by the Yevetha, were only too eager to agree. In an attempt to eliminate any threat along its rearward borders, the Yuuzhan Vong utterly destroyed the Yevethan homeworld of N'zoth, killing every last Yevethan individual and wiping the Yevethan civilization from the galaxy.