common name for the Incom T-65c A2 Starfighter, this is a 12.5 meter snub fighter with two wings that split in two by activating S-foils. This allows for greater maneuverability and firing accuracy; each of the split wings has its own laser cannon (total of four). It is a single-pilot ship, with an R2 astromech droid socket. The R2 unit is used in place of a navigationa computer. It is extremely maneuverable, even at its top sublight speed of 110 MGLT. It has also been clocked at 1,050 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. The X-Wing was designed by Incom just before the Empire stopped contracting out naval construction. The Empire believed that Incom was infiltrated by Alliance sympathizers, and relieved the X-Wing team of duty. The X-Wing team then defected to the Alliance, flying out with all the X-Wing prototypes and the starfighter's plans. Their parting gesture to the Empire was to destroy all records of the X-Wing in Incom and Imperial databases. The Alliance then began to produce the X-Wing themselves, recognizing its potential. It continued to gain acceptance after the Galactic Civil War due to its maneuverability and durability. Several upgrades and modifications from the liberated Incom design team didn't yield major improvements until the advent of the T-65d A1, which eliminated the astromech droid in favor of more computer power to provide the pilot with more in-flight options in terms of maneuverability and management of shipboard resources. The T-65c A2 boasts the following shipboard components: