tall, fur-covered bipeds from Kashyyyk, Wookiees are perhaps best-known known for their fierce style of fighting. Believed to be descended from tree-climing mammalians, they lived in the trees above Kashyyyk's carnivorous flora and fauna. They had retractable claws that they use for climbing in the trees. The females had six breasts that were used to feed their live-born litters, which were born after about a standard year's gestation. The baby Wookiees were nearly four feet in length at birth, and spent much of their early lives in the nursery rings of the wroshyr trees, where they learned the basic skills of interaction and survival. At the age of twenty or so, a Wookiee returned to live with their parents, once their education was considered complete. Shortly afterward, most Wookiees were required to complete a trial of adulthood, which usually required obtaining the fibers from the bulb of a syren plant. Higher education was purely voluntary, although many Wookiees chose to learn new skills to help their families earn additional income. The Wookiee race was one of the strongest supporters of the Old Republic, but found itself the target of Trandoshan slavers after the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan Kenobi once hinted that Wookiees had a strong affinity with the Force. They were officially enslaved by the Empire, and forced to work in labor camps throughout the galaxy. Because of this, most Wookiees didn't enjoy the presence of humans, even after the Alliance freed them. Access to Kashyyyk was severely limited in the wake of the Battle of Endor, allowing the Wookiees to regain their culture and their pride. Note that The Wookiee Storybook infers that Wookiees are not native to Kashyyyk, but came to the planet a long time ago.