Corran Horn's codename for his R2-D2 astromech droid. Whistler had a near-human personality, and made itself understood by modifying its language of sounds to mimic human mannerisms. This trait kept Whistler on Corran's nerves, but it also kept Corran out of trouble. Not your average astromech, Whistler was programmed by the Corellian Security Force for a number of aptitudes, including creativity, surveillance, lock-picking and forceful entry, and a certain amount of deductive reasoning. Corran also added escape and evasion subroutines. After Corran married Mirax Terrik, Whistler told her that he wanted to pilot the Pulsar Skate when Corran retired from the New Republic. When Rogue Squadron was rescued and held captive by Colonel Vessery and Ysanne Isard, all their astromechs were fitted with restraining bolts. The bold had no effect on Whistler, because the droid had a specialized piece of code installed. Whenever a restraining bolt was attached to it, Whistler's programming detected it and blocked it immediately, rendering the bolt useless. However, the same piece of code intercepted the commands of a caller or owner, and Whistler could simulate the effects of the restraining bolt. This allowed Whistler to reactivate itself after being impounded by the Imperials, and he also removed the bolt from Gate. The two used ventilation ducts and much of Whistler's knowledge of Corran and Mirax's businesses to escape the Imperial facility and return to the Errant Venture, where they told of Rogue Squadron's survival and the existence of Ysanne Isard.