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Big Jak Targrim

this four-armed, hulking alien was the pirate leader of the Riders of the Maelstrom. His genetic structure has been altered over time by the addition of gene material from various evil criminals and warlords to make him even more ruthless and evil. This plicing of genetic patterns has resulted in Big Jak having a wildly-variable personality, as each of the genetic patterns tries to assert itself. His face was scarred in battle. Big Jak resented the intrusion of Rodin Higron's pirate group on Oasis, and schemed to capture a large ship passing through the Maelstrom. Once he was in control of a large ship, he would set it on autopilot to crash into Oasis and destroy Higron's pirates. Big Jak's chance came when the Kuari Princess made its way through the Maelstrom. The Riders were able to board the luxury liner and gain control of its bridge. His plot was foiled by the timely intervention of Alliance agents, who were on board the ship trying to thwart the plans of Imperial Moffs Vanko and Torpin. Big Jak managed to escape before the Alliance agents could capture him.
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