a humanoid race native to the planet Vodran, they were one of the three races signed into indentured servitude by the Hutts during their battles with Xim the Despot, more than 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Of the three - which included the Klatooinans and Nikto - the Vodrans have proved to be the most loyal to the Hutts. Vodrans are warm-blooded reptiles whose faces are studded with short spikes around the eyes and mouth. The Vodran race evolved the only true intelligence on their homeworld, descending from a species of tree-dwelling reptiles that lived in the trees. They learned how to hunt in packs, and developed a primitive hunting culture when they were discovered by the ancient Hutt Dojundo. The Vodrans signed up with Dojundo, believing that he was leading a sort of holy war against the evil Xim, and were oblivious to the machinations of the Hutts to control their star system. The Vodran strongly resisted the Imperial presence on their planet, and were summarily destroyed by the Empire. A handful of the planet's original population remained, and its pro-Alliance stance grew over time. They never lost sight of their loyalty to the Hutts, however.