this cloud-covered gas giant was the third planet in the Bespin System, which was located along the Ison Corridor in the Anoat Sector, some 49,100 light-years from the galactic core. Because of the mining outpost of Cloud City, Bespin was known for the naturally spin-sealed tibanna gas found in its atmosphere. One of the major variations of the game of sabacc was named for the planet, another for Cloud City. It was located just off the Corellian Trade Route, along the pathway of the Ison Corridor. It was orbited by a pair of natural satellites. The gas giant had a quick rotation, taking only twelve standard hours to complete one revolution. However, its orbital revolution required 14 standard years to complete. Bespin's diameter measured some 118,000 kilometers at the furthest extent of its cloud cover. Much of the cloud cover over Bespin was well over 1,000 kilometers thick, and surrounded an outer core of seething molten rethin and compressed gas some 52,000 kilometers deep. This outer core exceeded 6,000 degrees, and covered a ball of solid metal 12,000 kilometers across. Note that Marvel Comics' Star Wars series, issue 57, depicts the surface of Bespin as a swampy marsh filled with liquified gases. This inconsistency was cleared up by the Planet Hoppers series of artices on the Wizards of the Coast website, which explained that the marsh was actually part of the Ugnaught Surface floating city.