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Vartos, Cobb

a Major with the New Republic Intelligence Agency, Vartos was one of the best instructors in the military. He wasn't a loud, screaming drill sergeant, but instead a persistent teacher who maintained a high level of pressure his students in subtle ways to earn their buy-in to the training. He was in command of the team dispatched to Verkuyl to assist in ousting the Imperial presence there, shortly after the Battle of Endor. He and Selby Jarrad posed as corporate spokesbeings from GalFactorial, who came to Verkuyl to negotiate a deal with Governor Parco Ein. After the capture of Claris' infiltration team, Vartos himself was caught by Governor Ein's stormtroopers. Sebly tried to break away from the troopers and complete the mission, and opened fire on those holding Vartos. Unfortunately for Vartos, the first thing the remaining troops did was shoot him before they fired on Selby. Luckily, though, he survived long enough to be rescued by members of the Republic's second wave.
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