this Keganite boy was a student at the time Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri were held on Kegan. His parents died of the Toli-X virus, mainly because Kegan was isolated from the galaxy and never learned of the vaccine which counteracted it. He later befriended Obi-Wan and Siri, realizing that their continued opposition to O-Bin came from a greater knowledge of the galaxy. V-Davi helped them escape the Learning Circle, but was later sent to the Relearning Circle for his part in their escape. After the Jedi revealed the sham perpetuated by V-Tan and O-Vieve, V-Davi was released from the Relearning Circle. He decided to live with V-Nen and O-Melie, after their daughter O-Lana traveled to Coruscant to begin training as a Jedi Knight.