Uwana Buyer
this was the name of Talon Kaarde's personal yacht, used by Karrde and Tapper Quelev when they went to Tropis-on-Varont. It was a modified SoroSuub Luxury 5000 pleasure yacht, which Karrde had completely gutted and rebuilt. Only the original superstructure remained to indicate its roots. Easily the most luxurious and extravagant ship in his fleet, the Uwana Buyer was equipped with a full kitchen, gaming area, four staterooms, and its own spa. An upgraded hyperdrive and a set of Starchaser Mk. III sublight drives gave the incredible speed. It was armed with a pair of heavy laser cannons and an ion cannon. The Uwana Buyer could accommodate up to fourteen passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo, and required a crew of five to operate. Like most of the names used by Kaarde during this period, it was a somewhat farcical name meaning, "You want to buy her?"