this Sil-ar Tiss'shar served as Viceprex Hirken's personal bodyguard at the Stars' End facility, during the early years of the New Order. His scales were a bright green color, with a red and white diamond pattern woven in. He had sharp teeth and a pink, snakelike tongue. Uul-Rha-Shaan grew up running weapons for a large smuggling ring on Tiss-sharl. He was introduced to the act of killing another being, actually did it himself, and found that he enjoyed it in a very short period of time. When his hitch was up with the smugglers, he set out on his own, becoming one of his planet's most famous gunfighters and assassins. His prowess spread throughout the galaxy, and he met every challenge with victory, defeating the likes of Meelto, Terrlarn, and Neena Garnet. In time, he was recruited by the Corporate Sector Authority, and he soon proved his worth by saving the life of the Assistant Advisory Undersecretary of Media. He was then recruited by the CSA's Secutiry Division, and was offered a huge sum of money to worked exclusively as Hirken's bodyguard. Uul-Rha-Shan saw the opportunity to guard the "soft, stupid human" as a way to earn lots of credits for little work. Years later, he was killed by Han Solo aboard Stars' End after the facility was launched into the air on a parabolic course. Uul-Rha-Shan set out to find and kill Han, then escape the plummeting central tower. However, Han was able to shoot Uul-Rha-Shan shortly before the tower crashed back to the surface.