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this legendary young Wookiee was a brave warrior who cared little for the cares of others. Many of his peers dared him to travel to the lowest levels of Kashyyyk's forest, claiming that he was a coward if he declined. Urothko accepted the challenge, but was attacked by a fire-spirit known as a Graaa'shad. The spirit brought Urothko deep down into the forest, and prepared to kill him. Luckily for Urothko, the elder Stalpaac intervened. Stalpaac shot the spirit with a bowcaster quarrel, then the two Wookiees launched an attack on the spirirt. Graaa'shad quickly retreated and fled, screaming that one day it would get revenge. In the aftermath of the battle, Urothko pledged his life to Stalpaac, since the older Wookiee had risked his own life to save him. The story of Urothko's rescue quickly spread to other villages, and the tradition of the Wookiee life-debt was created.
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