this corporation, based on the planet Telos some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, was discovered to be a front for the work of Offworld Mining, as part of Xanatos' plans to gain personal power. UniFy was charged with restoring the parks and natural lands of the planet. To fund this operation, UniFy developed and sponsored the game Katharsis, which gave it almost complete control over the use of Telos' natural resources. UniFy went so far as to rig the games of Katharsis, always ensuring that at least one of the final three bettors was under their control. This allowed Xanatos to gain a foothold with Offworld, which would move in an mine Telos. Unfortunately for Xanatos, his former master Qui-Gon Jinn intervened and destroyed his plans. Xanatos was killed in battle, and Telos was freed from industrial destruction.