this huge Klatooinan was one of Jabba the Hutt's palace drummers. Born into slavery on the colony world of Shawti, Umpass-stay had been part of clan Desilijic since birth. He had become a trusted advisor to Shebba Kalshi Desilijic, but once misjudged the intentions of Shebba's nephew, Jabba. Jabba had Shebba executed for his mistrust, and took possession of Umpass-stay. Umpass-stay became a spy for Jabba, helping keep tabs on the comings and goings of the beings in the Hutt's Tatooine palace. Umpass-stay and Ak-Rev were also two of Jabba's most trusted bodyguards, and the Hutt required them to play the drums with each band that came to the palace. Many bands refused, citing that their drum-playing clashed artistically. In the aftermath of Jabba's death near the Pit of Carkoon, Umpass-stay was temporarily free, and tried to reach Mos Eisley with Ak-Rev. On the way, they were ambushed by a group of Tusken Raiders, who killed Ak-Rev but let Umpass-stay go free. After reaching Mos Eisley, Umpass-stay met up with Darson Kinderlot, who agreed to transport him to Hutt Space. Once there, Umpass-stay went to work for Jocoro Desilijic Tiure on Du Hatta.