Ulcane, Meres
this man joined the Imperial Academy at the age of 17, not because he was smart or strong but because of an influential uncle within the military. After barely graduating, he was assigned to a demolitions squad which ordered into battle behind the lines in Alliance territory. He suspected that his commanding officers detested him because he got into the military because of his uncle, and that they were trying to kill him off. Seeing that he needed to get a quick promotion in order to survive in the military, Ulcane locked his entire team in a warehouse owned by the Alliance and destroyed it. Not only did he receive commendations for taking out a strategic enemy site, he was awarded for his bravery in surviving the assault when the rest of his team didn't. Ulcane managed to make several more upward movements within the military, although each promotion was accompanied by strange or unusual circumstances. He became a student of aline cultures during this time, primarily because he was treated as an outsider by his peers. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Captain Ulcane escaped a mutiny aboard his own ship and fled to the Outer Rim Territories. There, he met another Imperial officer, and together they formed the Kaarenth Dissension. It was their goal to incite all the alien races of the Outer Rim against the fledgling New Republic. When he was discovered by Republic agents on Betha II, Ulcane fled to the Spawn Nebula, where the Kaarenth Dissesion had been hoarding starships for an assault on the New Republic. The agents tracked Ulcane to the nebula, where they discovered the fleet and its supporting space station. The agents managed to destroy the station and much of the fleet, and it was believed that Ulcane died aboard the station.