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Ulaha Kore

this female Bith was studying the Jedi way on Yavin 4, during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A musician of exquisite skill, Ulaha was also a gifted tactical analyst who aided in the Jedi's attempts to understand the tactics of the alien invaders. Ulaha was named to the strike team which was sent to Myrkr to locate and destroy the queen voxyn, but was badly injured during their "capture" when a Yuuzhan Vong warrior stabbed her in the back with a coufee. Her injury wasn't severe, but the blade punctured her lung and there was little medical attention her fellow Jedi could provide during their transport to Myrkr. Upon reaching Myrkr, Ulaha took the Exquisite Death and tried to escape the Yuuzhan Vong warships in orbit around the planet. Her escape was assisted by YVH 2-1S, which detonated a huge explosive in space, destroying itself in order to distract the alien warships. Unfortunately, the Exquisite Death was captured by Yuuzhan Vong picket ships. Ulaha Kore caused the ship to self-destruct, in an effort to take out as many Yuuzhan Vong ships as possible. She died in the explosion.
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