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a major agricultural center for the New Republic, Ukio was the primary planet in the Ukian system. In the year leading up to the Clone Wars, Ukio and the entire Abrion Sector seceded from the Old Republic, providing the Separatists with a source of foodstuffs and giving them a measure of self-suficiency. Many years leater, it was attacked by Grand Admiral Thrawn and forced to surrender before being recaptured by the New Republic. It was attacked by the Star Destroyers Chimaera and Stormhawk just prior to Thrawn's attack on Coruscant. A large planet, Ukio has a mild climate and minimal seasonal changes. In centuries past, the planet was covered with lush plains, but modern farming techniques have turned it into a well-managed gridwork of fields and fallow. Each of the three major continents on the planet are strictly maintained, and crop rotation procedures are a matter of Ukian law.
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