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Ujin Voli

this Gotal crimelord formed the Antar Band and began preying upon the ships which followed the Sisar Run during the Galactic Civil War. Voli and his Band were one of the largest rivals to the Nalroni Sprax and his Black Sun operatives, after a proposed deal between them fell through. Since then, Voli has surrounded himself with the most vicious of associates, in an effort to keep Sprax at bay while hounding his every move. Voli's right eye was badly injured during a run-in with Black Sun agents, and was useless for seeing. He and his lackeys once captured Kalend Thora, shortly after she recovered the only copy of the Barani List from Limna Yith. He held her in his stronghold, deep inside Temptation Canyon on Sriluur, until she was rescued by mercenaries sent by Mal Biron. Ujin Voli fled to Yen-2 in an effort to recover the decryption sequence and unlock the List. However, the mercenaries followed him to Yen-2 and recovered the List before Voli could decipher it. Voli himself was shot down and killed by Guri, who had come to Yen-2 to recover Mal Biron's mercenaries.
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