a race of intelligent, single-celled creatures who came from a splendid world of incredible natural resources found in the Paradise System. The short-sighted Ugors quickly consumed all that the planet could offer, and they turned the planet into a toxic garbage dump. The Ugors, rathering than perishing the garbage they had created, adapted to life in the pollution. They moved off the planet, and began taking apart the planet in their home system in an effort to obtain more and more natural resources. They move about by exuding a series of pseudopods from their bodies, or by encapsulating themselves in special environment suits. Each of the pseudopods has a specific task - communication, movement, et cetera. The brain of the Ugor is located in the center of their body, and is made up of a huge number of molecular structures similar to brain cells in most humanoids. While limited in their abilities, the molecules have a faster access time than normal brain cells. Also, since each molecule has a specific function, Ugor brains are also quite adaptable. They seem to worship garbage and junk, and have gone so far as to persuade the Empire to allow them first access to all Imperial garbage. They consider other scavengers, such as the Squibs, to be business rivals that need to be eliminated. The Ugors tried to stop the Squibs from procuring a gravity-well projector during the Galactic Civil War, a device which the Squibs had planned to loan to the Alliance for use in dragging the Elusive out of hyperspace.