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a race of small, piglike creatures known for their mechanical abilities, the ugnaughts are native to the planet Gentes. There, the ugnaughts grew to become strong, efficient creatures, able to withstand a great deal of discomfort. However, the planet's hostile environment forces them to move elsewhere. Many tribes of ugnaughts were also stolen and sold or leased as slaves. One of the nearest planets to Gentes is Bespin, where they have become an integral part of the society on Cloud City. Ecclessis Figg purchased three tribes of ugnaughts and gave them the daunting task of building Cloud City. If they could do this, Figg agreed to give them their freedom and a place to live in the floating city. Of course, the ugnaughts agreed, and they worked extra hard to make Cloud City a wonderful place to live. They chose for themselves a series of lower city levels, creating burrows and tunnels to mimic the environs of their homeworld. The ugnaughts are great storytellers, and much of their history is collected and passed on in long tales. When the Empire took control of the station, the ugnaughts were left behind. They resented the Imperial presence on the station, and began rebelling against it. They caused all sorts of damage, and even tried to incapacitate Lobot so that the Empire couldn't use him to interface with the city's central computer. As a last resort, the ugnaughts began planting bombs around the outpost, and planned to set them off when Lando returned to the city and repaired Lobot. Together, they disarmed the bombs and forced the Imperials off the outpost. The ugnaughts were once again returned to the free status they desired.
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