known to his owner, Thune, as Uthre, this bulky droid was a variant on the 3PO line of protocol droids. U-THR served aboard Thune's light freighter, the Faceted, as a co-pilot and companion. It was discovered that U-THR had once been owned by Deckland Carper. After Thune killed Carper in order to collect the bounty on his head, U-THR found himself in Thune's possession. She considered the droid nothing more than a tool, which made U-THR question any loyalty he might have felt to her. U-THR was something of a fussbudget and a perfectionist, and disliked it when Thune changed plans without notifying him. Thune liked the droid because of its immense data storage capability, something which allowed her to have almost instant access to a wealth of information. After Thune captured Kaj Nedmak, U-THR found that Kaj actually liked the droid, not just the fact that it was useful. When Thune stabbed Kaj in the heart with a knife, U-THR realized that it could no longer serve Thune. When Thune wasn't looking, U-THR gave Kaj a blaster with which to stun Thune, then helped pilot the Faceted in order to rescue Celia Durasha and Treytis Prash. After they turned in Thune to the authorities, U-THR agreed to join Kaj and Celia as a "free-trader," a description the droid preferred to "smuggler."