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Tyro Viveca

this Krish was considered the wealthiest member of his species, and was a hunter and collector of exotic predatory creatures. However, his morals were considered lacking by many fellow big-game hunters, since Viveca often hunted sentient beings for sport. He was known to have captured a female Florn lamproid and her mate, killing the male and stuffing while maintaining the female in captivity for a later hunt. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Viveca opened his doors to Cecil Noone, who had traveled to Kabal in an attempt to sell a Hapan gun of command his band had stolen. Viveca had heard through the underworld grapevine that Noone had crossed or doublecrossed both Guttu the Hutt and Ritinki, and threatened to turn Noone and his band over to the other crimelords if he didn't simply give the weapon away. When Noone protested, Viveca explained that the only way he would escape would be to avoid being captured before he could exit the Krish's hunting grounds. During the hunt for Noone, Viveca found himself the target of the female Lamproid he had captured, which had been set free by Noone. Although the Lamproid managed to kill Viveca's servant, Rutt, he was able to kill it before it could harm him. The loss of the creature only increased Viveca's desire to kill Noone. Viveca thought it was very unsporting of Noone to accept the help of his companions, Dawson and Kels Turkhorn, in escaping from the compound, but soon found himself worrying about his own demise. Dawson had rigged up a wad of detonite to a motion sensor, and when Viveca entered a copse of bambooi, his body triggered the devise. The resulting explosion killed Viveca instantly, and leveled some four hectares of bambooi.
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