Tugrina, Malan
this man, a native of Alderaan, had left his homeworld well before it was destroyed by Governor Tarkin and the first Death Star. He had attached himself to Mon Mothma as an aide, when she first started to oppose the will of Emperor Palpatine. His tenure with her continued will into the early years of the New Republic, during which time he came to calling her the nickname Iwo, until he was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for her. When Tolokai was brainwashed into being a agent for Warlord Zsinj, Malan was able to come between the Gotal's attack and Mon Mothma. Malan took the vibroblade meant for her in the chest, where it pierced a major artery. Malan managed to detain Tolokai long enough for Mon Mothma to call for security and escape. As Tolokai continued to advance, Malan managed one last effort and tackled the Gotal. They fell down a flight of stairs, and Tolokai's neck was broken in the fall. However, Malan's injuries were too severe, and he died from loss of blood.