this was one of two Yuuzhan Vong creatures, along with Sgauru, dispatched to Duro to destroy the refugee settlements established by the New Republic. Known as a female Biter, the chitinous Tu-Scart literally consumed the technology of the New Republic and left behind waste matter that could be used by other Yuuzhan Vong bio-creations to create energy. The name Tu-Scart translated from the Yuuzhan Vong language as "slithering smasher." After years of conquest, the Yuuzhan Vong brought Sgauru and Tu-Scart to Coruscant, following the planet's reformation into a new version of Yuuzhan'tar. On Coruscant, the pair was put to work in destroying as much of the duracrete and transparisteel as they could, thereby helping the World Brain to complete its worldshaping activities. Some five years after the invasion began, Sgauru and Tu-Scart were ordered to play a more offensive role, when they were dispatched by Supreme Overlord Shimrra to attack the Galactic Alliance infiltration force that landed on Coruscant. Note that the Wizards of the Coast website claims that Tu-Scart is the Beater. Also note that The Unifying Force indicates that Tu-Scart was a male.