Trigit, Apwar
Trigit was an Admiral with the Empire, and managed to survive the Battle of Endor and rose to power shortly thereafter. A native of Coruscant, Trigit commanded the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Implacable in service to Warlord Zsinj. Trigit went rogue after the death of Ysanne Isard at Thyferra, but later joined Zsinj's faction. It was Trigit who was responsible for leaking false information about Gravan Seven to the New Republic, hoping to draw them into a trap. This action was quite successful, resulting the loss of eleven pilots from Talon Squadron, and the decommissioning of the Talons. He wasn't as successful in attacking Folor, for his Morrts discovered the false beacons planted there by the New Republic. This earned him the ire of Zsinj, but he hoped to redeem himself by protecting Zsinj's assets. Zsinj decided that the Implacable would receive the first shipment of TIE Fighters from the Pakkerd Light Transport facility on Ession, and he sent the Implacable there with support from the Night Caller. However, the Night Caller was under the control of the New Republic, which had also commandeered the use of the Blood Nest to take the place of the Red Feathers. As the ancient container ship self-destructed, three full squadrons of Republic X-Wings burst forth from her holds and destroyed the Pakkerd facility before it could launch any TIE Fighters. The Night Caller then bombarded the Implacable with proton torpedoes, destroying her power cells and leaving the Star Destroyer adrift. Trigit ordered an evacuation and set the ship to self-destruct. He got to his personal escape craft, and was about to surrender to Edor Crespin and the New Republic when Myn Donos shot his starship and destroyed it. Trigit was killed in the explosion.