the High Inquisitor of the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, Tremayne was trained as a Jedi Knight by Master Kylanu before being seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He was led down the dark path by none other than Emperor Palpatine, and it was rumored that Tremayne was one of the Emperor's Hands. Tremayne was eventually promoted to the position of High Inquisitor, and had an illustrious career serving Palpatine. In this position, Tremayne was answerable only to Darth Vader and the upper eschelons of Palpatine's advisors. Tremayne had been able to break every captive brought to him until he encountered Corwin Shelvay. After he defeated Darrin Arkanian, Tremayne was disfigured in battle during Shelvay's escape, losing an eye as well as his right arm. Both were replaced with cybernetic prostheses. Afterward, Tremayne scoured the galaxy, looking for Shelvay to exact revenge. Tremayne was given command of the Star Destroyer Interrogator.