Treece, Hugo
a native of the planet Corellia, this Imperial Captain was placed in charge of Cloud City, following the departure of Lando Calrissian shortly after the Battle of Hoth. A naturally cunning man, Treece rose through the ranks of the Imperial Navy, and was once the commander of the Star Destroyer Punisher. On Cloud City, he instituted the virtual enslavement of the Ugnaughts, demanding that they work around the clock to cover up the fact that he was embezzling millions of credits from the Empire. The Ugnaughts rebelled against his tyrannical control of Cloud City, placing a series of twelve bombs throughout the city and threatening to blow them up. Treece ordered the evacuation of the city just before Lando returned to it, although one of the bombs did go off. Treece was injured in the explosion, and Lando was trapped with him. They agreed to work together to escape, and had to incapacitate Lobot in order to regain control of the city. Lando, however, never revealed his true identity, and Treece did not recognize him. Lobot used his network connections to disable the bombs, but Treece had no desire to allow Lando to continue to take control of the city. He pushed Lando over the edge of a city railing, but Lobot managed to rescue him. Treece, however, assumed that they were both dead. When Luke Skywalker arrived to locate Lando, Treece saw his chance to gain a promotion by capturing Skywalker. However, Treece's forces were forced to evacuate Cloud City when Luke threatened to set off the Ugnaughts' bombs. Upon returning to the Empire, Treece learned that Calrissian had altered several of his largest bank accounts on Aargau, transferring credits and information on his treachery to Darth Vader himself. Treece was later executed for his crimes.