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Belden, Orn

this enignmatic and controverisal Bakuran senator was 164 standard years old at the time of the Battle of Endor, and was living with his second prosthetic heart. Shortly after the Empire nationalized Bakura, Orn began supporting the Alliance and its plans to overturn the Empire. Imperial Governor Wilek Nereus wanted to eliminate Orn, but the Senator's public position prohibited any direct action. Instead, Nereus modified the taxation system to virtually impoverish Orn and his wife of 101 years, Eppie. After Eppie was caught during an anti-Imperial demonstration, Nereus forced her to be implanted with a parasite that damaged her brain, rendering her virtually senseless. Orn was forced to spend most of his free time tending to her needs. After the Battle of Endor and the arrival of the Alliance on Bakura, Nereus had Orn arrested for collaborating with Leia Organa. He died during an interrogation session, although the Imperials blamed it on the Alliance team and Luke Skywalker.
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