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this was the outer moon of the planet Cularin. A lifeless world, Tilnes' orbit took it in between Cularin and Morasil at such a rate that the surface of Tilnes grew quite hot. Despite this, a form of scrub grass did grow on the surface, and yri worms inhabited the crust. During the Old Republic, a number of mining corporations took up residence on Tilnes, hoping to make their fortunes harvesting crystals. These crystals were discovered to be applicable in the creation of lightsabers, and even the flawed crystals could be used in blasters such as the T-32S. Because of the moon's orbit, these mining operations were forced to build their bases underground, and Tilnes was soon riddled by a network of tunnels. The construction and maintenance of these tunnels led to the startling discoveries of two hidden bases - one owned by the Caarites, and the other owned by the Thaereian Military - shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. The discoveries, coupled with the hard times incurred by the Clone Wars, meant that the Tilnes mines were no longer as profitable as they had once been.
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