Thul, Bornan
this Alderaanian man was Aryn Dro's boyfriend, during the early years of the New Order. He was jealous of Han's bravery and the attention paid him by Aryn. After Han became a smuggler, Bornan eventaully won Aryn's favor. They were later married, and Bornan became an Alderaanian nobleman with a vast shipping empire. He and his wife were off-planet when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan, and so were among the handful of Alderaanians who survived the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, Bornan became involved with the trade negotiations and alliances of the New Republic. He also began working with Nolaa Tarkona, and negotiated a deal for trade rights with her. While on his way to meet Han Solo at the New Republic Trade Council on Shumavar, he discovered that the cargoes he purchased from Fonterrat contained the Emperor's Plague, he attempted to destroy the storehouse from which they came. He was unable to do so, so he disapeared before delivering the cargo to Tarkona. She immediately placed a bounty on his head, for he retained the location of the storehouse. He managed to elude such notorious bounty hunters as Boba Fett, and kept the location of the storehouse away from Tarkona until he was found by his son, Raynar, and Zekk. When they tried to destroy the storehouse, Bornan sacrficed himself in order to kill Tarkona as well. She had unleashed the Emperor's Plague, but he was able to kill her with another of the viruses.