a creature native to the planet Alderaan, the thranta was a reptavian of incredible beauty and diversion. No less that four species of thranta were once native to Alderaan, although only the common thranta - sometimes called the Alderaan of Bespin thranta - were exported to Bespin before Alderaan was destroyed. The great thranta, the pilotta thranta, and the balana thranta were all exterminated with the destruction of Alderaan. The thranta was basically a huge, floating wing, bouyed by a lighter-than-air bladder. They were very docile creatures, and could be easily domesticated. All four major subspecies could be trained to serve as transportation beasts, carrying individuals or entire barges. The average thranta lived or forty standard years or so. The thrantas that survive on Bespin, known as rodeo thrantas, were descendants of domesticated thranta that were used as flying mounts. The thranta was used on Alderaan as a transportation method as well as a show-beast. Smaller thranta were trained as recreational mounts. Some thranta were even transported to Coruscant, to be used as Imperial courier beasts. However, these thrantas wasted away without their natural environment to thrive in. The noxious fumes and emissions of the planet-wide city seemed to poison them.