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named for the Oswaft term that meant StarCave, the ThonBoka was a huge nebula which formed a sac-like refuge from the vacuum of space. The ThonBoka was home to a large number of vacuum-breathing species, including the Oswaft, all of which lived on the raw nutrients that floated in the vacuum contained within the StarCave's boundaries. The nebula, which meaured about twelve light-years - or some ten trillion kilometers - across, was composed of huge amounts of pre-organic molecules. A single hole existed in the sac-like nebula, forming the only entrance to the StarCave. In the center of the ThonBoka were three young, blue-white stars, each about a lightyear apart from the others. None of them had any planets. In the center of these three stars lies an exact, miniature replica of the cave, built for the Oswaft Elders from every conceivable gemstone in the galaxy. This so-called Cave of the Elders was the primary meeting place of the leaders of the Oswaft. Despite the fact that the ThonBoka was mainly empty space, and its boundaries were formed from dense layers of gaseous molecules, the Oswaft were unable to exit the ThonBoka by simply "skipping" through the walls. The Oswaft indicated that they could not "see" through the walls of the ThonBoka, thereby prohibiting them from moving through it. Thus, they were forced to move in and out of the ThonBoka through the single hole at one end.
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