this bipedal, reptilian race is native to the planet Th'irus. At this time of the Galactic Civil War, they were a bronze-age race which had developed a high degree of medical knowledge as well as skill in the use of poisons and neurotoxins. Groups of Th'iruckai banded together in tribes led by Teruks, and the tribes wages bloody wars against each other over the millennia. When the first explorers found their planet, the Teruks realized that they could gain an advantage over their rivals if they could obtain high-tech weapons. During the Galactic Civil War, a band of scouts landed on the planet and were fought over by several clans. The scouts, in talking to the teruks, realized that the inter-clan wars were being fought because of an ancient misunderstanding. The scouts worked with the tribes to establish a cease-fire and begin peace negotiations between the clans.